Internship Program

    1. Introduction- Law Caddie

    2. Introduction-About the Internship

    3. Ancient History of Sports in India

    4. The Ancient Greek Olympics (776 BC-393 AD)

    5. Traditional Sports in India

    6. A Visual History of Sports

    7. Modern Era Growth of Indian Sports

    8. Badminton Fever 1938

    9. Cricket Highlights 1899-1938

    10. The Origin of Soccer

    11. Quiz 1

    12. Quiz 2

    1. Introduction- Sports as an Industry

    2. Revolution of Indian Sports

    3. Sports as an Industry in India

    4. What is Sports Law?

    5. Sports Authority of India

    6. Quiz 3

    1. National Sports Policy

    2. National Sports Development Code

    3. National Sports Federations

    4. Quiz 4

    1. Sports Law & Welfare Association of India

    2. Sports Broadcasting Signals

    3. Star Sports v Prasar Bharati

    4. Union of India v BCCI

    5. Quiz 5

    1. Sports Promotional Schemes

    2. Indian Olympic Association

    3. Age Fraud in Sports

    4. Quiz 6

    1. What does a Sports Lawyer Do

    2. Assignment-Endorsement Deal

    3. Intellectual Property Rights & Sports- A Broad Overview

    4. Copyright in Sports

    5. Muhammad Ali Shuffle

    6. Muhammad Ali showing the Ali Shuffle

    7. Elena Produnova Gymnastic Moves

    8. Indian Gymnast Dipa Karmakar's Sensational Show At Rio 2016 Athlete Highlights

    9. Quiz 7

    10. Assignment-Legal Notice for Copyright Infringement

About this Internship

  • ₹5,000.00
  • 104 lessons
  • 4 hours of video content
  • Certification
  • Enroll by June 30, 2022

  • Self-Paced Program

  • 100% Online

About the Firm

Law Caddie


An exclusive and dedicated law firm for the sports industry providing leading sports law and business expertise and experience for all your legal and commercial sports needs. The attorneys in our firm are thought leaders in the industry, providing counsel and representation to athletes, sports leagues, universities, public sports authorities, corporate sponsors and a wide range of other industry stakeholders on complex business deals, public policy and litigation.



  • Do I need specific equipment to take this Online Program?

    All you need is your desktop, laptop or a mobile device with a stable internet connection and you are all set to go.

  • How can this internship bolster my career options?

    Upon completion of this internship, you will have a holistic knowledge of sports law and its application in the sports industry. Not only will you have access to prime content, but you will also be able to test out your knowledge with the help of activities, quizzes, and other assignments. If you wish to further your career in sports law, all of these learning methods and mechanisms are going to broaden your knowledge and give more clarity to the different aspects Sports Law brings.

  • What do I do if I have questions about an assignment?

    You may contact us via our email : [email protected]

  • I completed my course! Now what?

    Congrats! You can now receive your Certificate of Completion. You may use the same for the purpose of your internship report in Law School or even utilize it as part of your requirement to advance your career.

Discover your potential, starting today